Tuesday, January 26, 2010

just so everybody knows...

I kind of abandoned this blog for my tumblr, which is -WARNING- a lot more ranty than this one.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

silent storm

leave me staring at white walls
the fifth corner in this square room of pain
dizzy spinning thoughts
like an endless merry-go-round, shaken
to the roots of my existence -
can you hear me whimper?
or is it just an echo, emanating
from a far off ocean
in your landlocked mind?
well, its raining tears
and in the distance it's brewing up a storm
thunder, lightning, static in my heart,
but through rain-streaked windowpanes
I see you crystal clear

not for anything/one in particular. just a vague feeling I have lingering around me these days.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

it's quite a mess

what is this rushed, january haste
oh, everything's been laid to waste
melt my cold december eyes
cut me - cut me back down to size

Sunday, December 27, 2009



I will do it, even though it drives me to tears.
I will do it, even if I lose.
I am more than this.


We like to cling to this conception that we're so special... I guess the human mind tends to do that. But it's the only way I can convince myself that, when Mr. Emery says I'll die under all these classes he doesn't want to let me take, I can do it; I can be the odd one out. When people say you'll crash under all the stress, I tell myself: I can be the lone survivor. (Look at my blog post below - how untrue! haha. Well at the least, it's not an easy struggle. But I still AM alive - that's what matters, right?) That despite the 15% acceptance rate of boarding schools, I can make it - given that I work hard.

But we're all the same. We all have talents but they're nothing in the greater scheme - what matters is determination. The legacy I leave will hopefully be one of hard work. Working past my physical limits - this mainly being sleep, and working past my mental limits - this mainly being my laziness. All I have to do is repeat, over and over again in my head: I CAN DO IT. I CAN DO IT. SO JUST DO IT.

On a side note, here's a recipe for instant inspiration :)
1.) Move Along ~ All American Rejects
2.) Beauty from Pain ~ Superchick
3.) Latika's Theme ~ Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack
4.) Can You Feel the Love Tonight ~ Lion King / Elton John
5.) Seasons of Love ~ Rent
6.) Stand in the Rain ~ Superchick
7.) What About Now ~ Daughtry
8.) Who I Am Hates Who I've Been ~ Relient K


Saturday, December 26, 2009


lights off
ipod on full blast
i stare up into the dark
where my ceiling would be
maybe tears will come
gushing, pouring, flowing free... but
i don't know anymore
it's all a blur. i become
numb to this world
numb to my friends
i continue to dilly-dally
through this hell i've made my life
this sweet and satisfying hell
stop crying, tina
get up
pause the music
turn the lights

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

an ill-ventilated room... let's bake pie!

Jealousy does things to people.

your thoughts become something like this:
Damn. I want to be on Howler.
Shit. I want to be on Howler.
Fuck. I want to be on Howler.

Yep... story of my life.

Last time in 8th grade when Tanner got a higher essay score than I did, I resolved to read 50 pages a day to improve my linguistics. I'm gonna do a similar thing now.

so. to do list
x start working on journalism hard news article project
x read 5 NY Times articles a day
x write 2 articles for Howler Online over break
x figure out Shane Hughe's photography/design skillz - worthy?
x talk to Mr. Horrigan about possibilities
x improve at MY photography via Rendezvous and photoshoots
x improve at web design via Rendezvous